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Speedygram is a web service that automates the manual tasks of users on Instagram, follow, stop following and give likes, we are the perfect tool to increase your followers on Instagram.

The number of followers is relative, other important factors depend on a social network like Instagram, some of these are: Generation of entertaining and relevant content, the objective of your account, the amount of content, and your engagement.

Speedygram is an application that simulates your manual work to find followers in other accounts, give likes in publications and stop following the people you no longer want, this is why it is necessary to simulate the activities of your account and generate REAL interaction. We do not store your password, we only use it to access the instagram API.

Speedygram is an independent development to Instagram, without technical or commercial ties. We are not responsible for actions that violate INSTAGRAM's use and privacy policies, it is possible that your account suffers from blockages if you violate Instagram's policies.
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